
22. Theoretical Study of Gold-Catalyzed Cyclization of 2-Alkynyl-N-propargylanilines  and Rationalization of Kinetic Experimental Phenomena
22. Theoretical Study of Gold-Catalyzed Cyclization of 2-Alkynyl-N-propargylanilines and Rationalization of Kinetic Experimental Phenomena
Gold-catalyzed cyclization of 2-alkynyl-N-propargylanilines provides a step-economic method for the construction of three-dimensional indolines. In this article, the M06 functional of density functional theory was employed to gain deeper insights into the reaction mechanism and the associated intriguing experimental observations. The reaction was found to first undergo Au(I)-induced cyclization to form an indole intermediate, 1,3-propargyl migration, and substitution with the substrate 2-alkynyl-N-propargylaniline (R1) to generate the intermediate product P1, an allene species. Subsequently, Au(I)-catalyzed conversion of P1 into the final product P2, an indoline compound, occurs first through direct cyclization rather than via the previously proposed four-membered carbocycle intermediate. Thereafter, water-assisted oxygen heterocycle formation and proton transfer generate the final product. The calculated activation free energies indicate that P1 formation is 5.9 times slower than P2 f
21. Mechanism of Vanadium-Catalyzed Deoxydehydration of Vicinal Diols: Spin-Crossover-Involved Processes
21. Mechanism of Vanadium-Catalyzed Deoxydehydration of Vicinal Diols: Spin-Crossover-Involved Processes
Vanadium-catalyzed deoxydehydration (DODH) reactions provide a cost-effective approach for the conversion of vicinal diols to olefin and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In this paper, density functional theory (DFT) calculations employing M06 and M06-L methods were conducted to clarify the mechanism of Vcatalyzed DODH. Three types of mechanisms generally proposed for transition-metal-catalyzed DODH, associated with the previously omitted spin crossover processes, were considered herein. As a result, a different catalytic cycle including a new olefin-formation mechanism was located, which is in contrast to the findings of a recent study. We found that the favorable mechanism involves the condensation of diols to form vanadium(V) diolate, reduction of the vanadium(V) diolate by PPh3, and spincrossover steps to form a triplet vanadium(III) diolate. Thereafter, single C−O bond cleavage occurs followed by another spin crossover to form a singlet alkylvanadium(V) intermediate. The final co
20. Mechanism for the enhanced reactivity of 4-mercaptoprolyl thioesters in native chemical ligation
20. Mechanism for the enhanced reactivity of 4-mercaptoprolyl thioesters in native chemical ligation
The introduction of a 4-mercaptan substituent was recently reported to be effective to improve the reactivity of C-terminal prolyl thioesters in native chemical ligation (NCL). To elucidate the origin of the high reactivity of 4-mercaptoprolyl thioesters, a theoretical study was performed on the transthioesterification of NCL herein with the aid of density functional theory (DFT) methods. The calculation results support a transthioesterification mechanism involving two stages. The first stage is the intramolecular transthioesterification of 4-mercaptoprolyl thioesters to form a bicyclic thiolactone intermediate and the second stage is the intermolecular transthioesterification of the thiolactone intermediate with N-terminal cysteine. The two stages proceed both via nucleophilic attack of the thiolate and proton-donor-assisted thiolate release. The thiolate release in the first stage is the ratedetermining step of the whole transthioesterification of 4-mercaptoprolyl thioesters. Based o
19. Mechanism of Vanadium-Catalyzed Selective C–O and C–C Cleavage of Lignin Model Compound
19. Mechanism of Vanadium-Catalyzed Selective C–O and C–C Cleavage of Lignin Model Compound
Efficient depolymerization methods are critical to the sustainable production of fuels and chemicals from biomass. Ligandcontrolled selective C(sp3)−O and Ar−C(sp3) cleavages of β-O-4 lignin model compounds were realized with vanadium catalysts under redox-neutral conditions or air atmosphere. To clarify the mechanism and the origin of selectivity, a joint theoretical and experimental study was performed herein. First, with the aid of density functional theory (DFT) calculations, an updated mechanism involving VV, VIV, and VIII complexes was discovered for the C(sp3)−O cleavage process catalyzed by the Schiff base vanadium complexes with an overall free energy barrier of 34.9 kcal/mol. Meanwhile, a detailed catalytic cycle involving novel stepwise O−O/Ar−C(sp3) cleavage was clarified for the Ar− C(sp3) cleavage process catalyzed by the bis(8-oxyquinolate) coordinated vanadium complexes, having an overall free energy barrier of 28.8 kcal/mol. Further analysis based on the energetic span


90. Computational Study on Flavin-Catalyzed Aerobic Dioxygenation of Alkenyl Thioesters: Decomposition of Anionic Peroxides
90. Computational Study on Flavin-Catalyzed Aerobic Dioxygenation of Alkenyl Thioesters: Decomposition of Anionic Peroxides
Flavin-dependent catalysts are widely applied to aerobic monooxygenation/oxidation reactions. In contrast, flavin-catalyzed aerobic dioxygenation reactions exhibit higher atomic economy but are less reported, not to mention the relevant mechanistic studies. Herein, a density functional theory study on flavin-catalyzed aerobic epoxidation-oxygenolysis of alkenyl thio-esters was performed for the first time. Different from the previous mechanistic proposal, a pathway featuring two catalytic stages, monoanionic flavin-C(4a)-peroxide/oxide intermediates, and a reverse reaction sequence (epoxidation goes prior to oxygenolysis) was revealed. In comparison, the pathways involving dianionic flavin catalysts, monoanionic flavin-N(5)-(hydro)peroxide/C-(10a)-peroxide, or neutral flavin-C(4a)-hydroperoxide/hydroxide/N(5)-oxide, and the pathways where oxygenolysis goes prior to epoxidation are less favored. Epoxidation goes through intramolecular substitution of the O−O bond of anionic flavin-C(4a)
89. Differences in mechanisms between divalent and univalent copper complexes-catalyzed hydroacylation of terminal alkyne with aldehyde and amine
89. Differences in mechanisms between divalent and univalent copper complexes-catalyzed hydroacylation of terminal alkyne with aldehyde and amine
DFT calculations are carried out to investigate the hydroacylation mechanism based on copper-catalyzed A3- coupling tandem reaction of terminal alkynes, aldehydes and amines. The study reveals significant mechanistic differences between copper(I) and copper(II) catalysts. In the Cu(II)-catalyzed system, incorporation of a ligand is deemed necessary for facilitating reactivity, whereas no ancillary ligand is required in Cu(I) system. The ligand, through coordination with the Cu(II) center, stabilizes the key transition states and intermediates, resulting in a substantial reduction in the activation barrier. The ligand exhibits varying effect, with the order of activity being piperidine > pyridine > DMSO, correlating positively with the interaction energy between ligand and Cu complex. Additionally, the study sheds light on the pivotal roles played by the catalyst, ligand, base, and solvent DMSO in the reaction.
88. Ligand-promoted reductive coupling between aryl iodides and cyclic sulfonium salts by nickel catalysis
88. Ligand-promoted reductive coupling between aryl iodides and cyclic sulfonium salts by nickel catalysis
Developing applicable methods to forge linkages between sp3 and sp2-hydridized carbons is of great significance in drug discovery. We show here a new, Ni-catalyzed reductive crosscoupling reaction that forms Csp3−Csp2 bonds from aryl iodides and cyclic sulfonium salts. Notably, Csp3−Csp2 bonds can be forged selectively at the iodine-bearing carbon of bromo(iodo)arenes which is usually recognized as a huge challenge under the catalytic reductive cross-coupling (CRCC) conditions. Experimental and computational mechanistic studies support LNiIAr as an active species, while the untraditional anti-Markovnikov selective alkylation of asymmetric sulfonium salts is determined by the oxidative S-substitution of sulfonium salts with LNiIAr. This protocol further expands the range of alkyl electrophiles under the CRCC conditions and provides a new strategy for the construction of Csp3−Csp2 bonds.
87. CO2 Transient Promotion Function Enabled the Selective Electrochemical Transformation of Imines
87. CO2 Transient Promotion Function Enabled the Selective Electrochemical Transformation of Imines
An unprecedented transient promotion function (TPF) of CO2 in the electrochemical hydrogenation/deuteration of imines (especially α-iminonitriles) is reported. The TPF influence of CO2 results from the introduction of CO2 that disperses the negative charges of the imine radical anion intermediate. The resulting redistribution of electrons leads to a lower reduction potential of the CO2-substituted imine radical anion and thus facilitates the succeeding one-electron reduction. CO2 is finally released via spontaneous decarboxylation to complete the transient promotion process.


90. Computational Study on Flavin-Catalyzed Aerobic Dioxygenation of Alkenyl Thioesters: Decomposition of Anionic Peroxides
90. Computational Study on Flavin-Catalyzed Aerobic Dioxygenation of Alkenyl Thioesters: Decomposition of Anionic Peroxides
Flavin-dependent catalysts are widely applied to aerobic monooxygenation/oxidation reactions. In contrast, flavin-catalyzed aerobic dioxygenation reactions exhibit higher atomic economy but are less reported, not to mention the relevant mechanistic studies. Herein, a density functional theory study on flavin-catalyzed aerobic epoxidation-oxygenolysis of alkenyl thio-esters was performed for the first time. Different from the previous mechanistic proposal, a pathway featuring two catalytic stages, monoanionic flavin-C(4a)-peroxide/oxide intermediates, and a reverse reaction sequence (epoxidation goes prior to oxygenolysis) was revealed. In comparison, the pathways involving dianionic flavin catalysts, monoanionic flavin-N(5)-(hydro)peroxide/C-(10a)-peroxide, or neutral flavin-C(4a)-hydroperoxide/hydroxide/N(5)-oxide, and the pathways where oxygenolysis goes prior to epoxidation are less favored. Epoxidation goes through intramolecular substitution of the O−O bond of anionic flavin-C(4a)
89. Differences in mechanisms between divalent and univalent copper complexes-catalyzed hydroacylation of terminal alkyne with aldehyde and amine
89. Differences in mechanisms between divalent and univalent copper complexes-catalyzed hydroacylation of terminal alkyne with aldehyde and amine
DFT calculations are carried out to investigate the hydroacylation mechanism based on copper-catalyzed A3- coupling tandem reaction of terminal alkynes, aldehydes and amines. The study reveals significant mechanistic differences between copper(I) and copper(II) catalysts. In the Cu(II)-catalyzed system, incorporation of a ligand is deemed necessary for facilitating reactivity, whereas no ancillary ligand is required in Cu(I) system. The ligand, through coordination with the Cu(II) center, stabilizes the key transition states and intermediates, resulting in a substantial reduction in the activation barrier. The ligand exhibits varying effect, with the order of activity being piperidine > pyridine > DMSO, correlating positively with the interaction energy between ligand and Cu complex. Additionally, the study sheds light on the pivotal roles played by the catalyst, ligand, base, and solvent DMSO in the reaction.
88. Ligand-promoted reductive coupling between aryl iodides and cyclic sulfonium salts by nickel catalysis
88. Ligand-promoted reductive coupling between aryl iodides and cyclic sulfonium salts by nickel catalysis
Developing applicable methods to forge linkages between sp3 and sp2-hydridized carbons is of great significance in drug discovery. We show here a new, Ni-catalyzed reductive crosscoupling reaction that forms Csp3−Csp2 bonds from aryl iodides and cyclic sulfonium salts. Notably, Csp3−Csp2 bonds can be forged selectively at the iodine-bearing carbon of bromo(iodo)arenes which is usually recognized as a huge challenge under the catalytic reductive cross-coupling (CRCC) conditions. Experimental and computational mechanistic studies support LNiIAr as an active species, while the untraditional anti-Markovnikov selective alkylation of asymmetric sulfonium salts is determined by the oxidative S-substitution of sulfonium salts with LNiIAr. This protocol further expands the range of alkyl electrophiles under the CRCC conditions and provides a new strategy for the construction of Csp3−Csp2 bonds.
87. CO2 Transient Promotion Function Enabled the Selective Electrochemical Transformation of Imines
87. CO2 Transient Promotion Function Enabled the Selective Electrochemical Transformation of Imines
An unprecedented transient promotion function (TPF) of CO2 in the electrochemical hydrogenation/deuteration of imines (especially α-iminonitriles) is reported. The TPF influence of CO2 results from the introduction of CO2 that disperses the negative charges of the imine radical anion intermediate. The resulting redistribution of electrons leads to a lower reduction potential of the CO2-substituted imine radical anion and thus facilitates the succeeding one-electron reduction. CO2 is finally released via spontaneous decarboxylation to complete the transient promotion process.
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