9. Mechanistic Study of Borylation of Nitriles Catalyzed by Rh–B and Ir–B Complexes via C–CN Bond Activation

Jiang, Y.-Y.; Yu, H.-Z.; Fu, Y.*

2024-04-23 20:55

Jiang, Y.-Y.; Yu, H.-Z.; Fu, Y.* Organometallics, 2013, 32, 926–936. Download Link

Abstract: Recently the Chatani group reported the Rh(I)-catalyzed borylation of nitriles, which provided an efficient protocol for transformation of the C−CN bond to the C−B bond (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 115). Although an unconventional β- carbon elimination mechanism was proposed in their study, the other previously proposed mechanisms, i.e., oxidative addition, deinsertion, and initial C−H bond activation, cannot be excluded. To clarify the dominant mechanism of this reaction, a density functional theory study on borylation of PhCN and BnCN catalyzed by [Rh(XantPhos)(B(nep))] (nep = neopentylglycolate, XantPhos = 4,5-Bis- (diphenylphosphino)-9,9-dimethylxanthene) was conducted. The computational results indicated that the deinsertion mechanism (2,1-insertion of the Rh−B bond into the C−N bond occurs first, followed by the insertion of the metal center into C−CN bond) is favored over oxidative addition, β-carbon elimination, and the initial C−H bond activation mechanism within all the investigated reactions. The activation of the C−CN bond is a facile step in the deinsertion mechanism, and the oxidative addition of the diboron reagent is the ratedetermining step. On this basis, the mechanism of borylation of PhCN catalyzed by a similar Ir−B complex ([Ir(XantPhos)(B(nep))]) was also examined. The deinsertion mechanism was found to be the most favorable. The overall energy barrier of the Ir−B complex-catalyzed borylation of benzonitriles was slightly higher than that of the same Rh−B complexcatalyzed reaction (by 1.1 kcal/mol), indicating that [Ir(XantPhos)(B(nep))] could act as an alternative catalyst for borylation of nitriles.

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